My twingos

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Mar 26, 2024
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I have two twingos, mk1 and mk3. My mk1 has 58hp 1.2 8v engine and it has roofhatch and it is black(photo below). I just bought mk3 and it has 70 sce engine. It has very long gears(I do not know why(140kmh at 3rd gear)). Still my old twingo is faster that. I will post more photos of that when I get it ready for the summer but here is photo of it now. 1000007021.jpg1000050868.jpg
Those look so good. I'm partial to the light blue one since I like blue.
Well, yesterday my blue ones clutch broke. I was going to school and heard loud bang at the back but luckily it broke when my gear was in neutral, hope that the car seller will replace it cost free cause I bought it 2 weeks ago.
Oh no! I sure hope the dealer is responsible and will repair the clutch. Please report back.
I am glad it did not happen in a worse area for you.
Oh no! I sure hope the dealer is responsible and will repair the clutch. Please report back.
I am glad it did not happen in a worse area for you.
Yeah dealer said they will pay 2/3 of the repair costs because it is better than at the purchase time after repair. I will pay 1/3 of the repair costs. 1200 e is little too much for me but 400e is better.