Boston bombing.

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
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Grim. Not got much else to say really. This world can be such a horrid and ugly place
It's been a while since an attack on the US but rest assured we'll get 'em! This kind of thing doesn't go unanswered and the yanks will be on it like tramps on chips
If it's a terrorist attack the group responsible will undoubtably claim it soon and then after that it's a case of finding them and giving them the good news
This makes me so angry that the world can be such a cruel place. Those people did nothing to deserve this, it's horrible. And one of the people that died was an 8 year old child which is just sick.
It boggles the mind that someone can think that to do something such as that in Boston is a good, morally righteous idea. Nothing less than 'evil' covers it.
LCplParks":gpa12vd1 said:
One man's terrorist ...

Another mans freedom fighter?

But after watching this on the news I'm personally disgusted that everyone ran away in the crowd rather than help the injured.

That would be my 1st priority before running away instead of leaving it to the few police/security there.
Well it wouldnt be mine, id be running like hell incase of another explosion. i think the correct term is '' looking after number 1 '' .Your more a hinderance to emergency services.
What really gets my blood boiling is the desensitisation of the UK media towards bombings in Iraq, Iran and Seria.I don't fully grasp why they believe something like this should get full coverage in the west, yet these terrible scenes of violence are happening almost everyday in the Middle East.

Boston is a disgusting act. I could not believe it when I saw it on Sky. I agree that the USA will not stop until they find who did this!

I could rant all fcuking day about it lol.
It's the fight or flee reaction that your mind is naturally programmed to produce when exposed to a situation that puts you at risk.

Some are able to suppress this reaction, but the majority will favor fleeing in order to keep themselves safe. As Ollie1333cup says, this behavior is usually beneficial to the Emergency Services, too.
Sw4ns":35qpp0j4 said:
It's the fight or flee reaction that your mind is naturally programmed to produce when exposed to a situation that puts you at risk.

Some are able to suppress this reaction, but the majority will favor fleeing in order to keep themselves safe. As Ollie1333cup says, this behavior is usually beneficial to the Emergency Services, too.

Truly was a sad day....that such young life was taken....and then the people who are still suffering and have to undergo amputations over someone's hatred...

There is a lot of speculation as to which extremist group is responsible for this...for some reason, I don't think this was the work of an Islamic Group...time will tell...

@ The Fight or Flight reaction....I know how that feels all too definitely shows how two people with similar personality traits can still differ....Every so often working as a police official in SA do I get that feeling...and thankfully so far because it's my calling, I've never run away, always towards...sometimes scared as hell....but I'd rather go out fighting....

Situations like this make a person respect all EMT Services...think there was a movie, Ladder 49, stand corrected, where John Travolta quoted a person saying, "We don't know how firefighters do it, people are all running for safety away from fire and then through the smoke comes a group of men, firefighters running towards the danger..."

Condolences to families affected by this and continued respect to all the people who ran to help....
When I heard about these bombings and the entire US now on big alert there is a scene from a movie that comes to my mind.

Add some chaos and everyone loses their mind..

Totally sick people in this world. Boston is such a lovely place:(
I used to have coffee every time I was there in the Starbucks next door to where it happened :(:( not nice at all
It saddens me more that on top of this horrific event, added skepticism is contribtued by 'nut job dj' Alex Jones, who suggested that the bombs were set off by the FBI as a false flag, in order to justify the recent increase in power given to various security authorities, even going so far to link two unrelated clips on a recent episode of Family Guy to make it seem that the 'powers that be' knew all about the bombing before it happened.